12 Feb 2014

Android game dev income stats (Jan 2014)

Roughly 6 weeks ago, my first Android game Mr. Tiddles was released into the wild. So now I think it is time to have a look at some stats!

To keep things simple, the below numbers are before tax and before Google takes their 30% cut.

Amount Note
In-app purchase $2.11 Two purchases
Ads $0.08 868 impressions, 2 clicks

Unfortunately, unlike Flappy Bird, instead of the rumoured $50k a day *dreams*, it is a humble $2.19 for the month - with Google and the tax-man stil to take their share.

Honestly, I was actually expecting more, but I guess it is a start. Sadly, the number of new/active users seem to have plateaued so realistically the expected report for February will probably look even sadder.

One of the ways to increase the app's potential income would be to increase the number of users. To increase the number of users, I will need to make an update of the app and/or do some form of marketing and hope that more users will leave reviews for the app.

If you have any ideas, let me know at @dx3droid - I'm all ears!

Of course, if you download Mr. Tiddles and give it 5 minutes* of play time, leave a nice review, share with friends etc you will make me super happy :)

*completely unrelated to the game, but definitely a recommended read